Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Xenophobia in Homers Oddyssey free essay sample

The best case of xenophobia in this book is in lines 148-153 on page 172. â€Å"So Odysseus moved out†¦ going to blend with every one of those flawless young ladies, exposed now as he might have been, for the need drove him on, a horrible sight, all crusted, built up with brine0 they dispersed in alarm down the extending beaches,† In this scene in the book, Odysseus is woken up by Nausicaa’s house keepers playing in the stream. At the point when he comes out of the shrubs and the house keepers take sight of him, they are scared and they flee from him. They do this most probable since he is an outside outsider and they are new to him. They are likewise scared in light of the fact that Odysseus shows up out of the bushed exposed. This scene reflects xenophobia on the grounds that Nausicaa’s house cleaners have an unreasonable dread towards Odysseus, who is an outsider. Nausicaa is the one in particular who doesn't show xenophobia in light of the fact that as opposed to fleeing like her servants, she decides to remain out and stand up to Odysseus. We will compose a custom exposition test on Xenophobia in Homers Oddyssey or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This proposes to the perusers that Nausicaa was raised to be a solid, dauntless individual. Despite the fact that, Nausicaa’s quality end up being a decent one, in different cases it may not be. Had Nausicaa met somebody other than Odysseus, the outcome might not have been the equivalent. In the event that the individual she had met had sick goals, Nausicaa could have wound up being hurt, which would have been off-base judgment on her part. For a peruser, this may be a case of the â€Å"proper way† to act towards outsiders. Becasue Nausicaa is a Princess, she shows a measure of power, and furthermore individuals may admire her as continually making the best decision. On the off chance that Nausicaa sets and model in this book individuals may start to tail it.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Choose Appropriate Microbiology Essay Topics

How to Choose Appropriate Microbiology Essay TopicsMicrobiology essay topics are always in high demand these days. Many colleges and universities prefer them as they help prepare students for many different jobs, especially those in the health and medical profession. A good composition must be able to hold its own against highly competitive institutions, thus it is important to choose topics which the essayists can write about in a short period of time.Microbiology is a scientific field dealing with the study of living organisms. This is not to say that students cannot write about other subjects in the same area, but their knowledge should match their writing abilities. It is also important to keep in mind that your essay must make an impact on the reader.What are some of the microbiology essay topics which have been used before? Two things seem to occur more than any other: the topic and the writing. Keep in mind that there is a big difference between a topic and writing when it com es to a microbiology essay.There are many microbiology essay topics which could be written about. What they are is up to the writer. The 'topic' of the essay will help create the foundation of the essay itself. It may be bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites, or anything else, but the main point is that it is one of the main influences of the essay itself.Topics are very broad. They cover all aspects of biology, but not necessarily all areas of microbiology. This is where the writer must find the topic and start writing. Finding the topic out by themselves will be very difficult, so the writer may want to consider contacting the dean or department advisor and ask what topics are normally covered in microbiology.Another way to make sure that you get the most from your microbiology essay topics is to practice on the topics in advance. Not only can you work out your pacing and how much you can cover in one sitting, but you can also practice writing a thesis statement before the actual ess ay if you need to. It will give you confidence in knowing that your writing is in good shape.There are many different microbiology essay topics that have been used before. But it is good to remember that it is all down to the individual writer. Some people may choose to stick to areas like the control of pathogens in animals, how to spread disease, and finding new methods of fighting bacteria. Others may choose to write about the devastating effects of a disease, how it affects a community, and why a certain method was chosen over others.As with all things in life, the best thing to do when choosing microbiology essay topics is to choose something that you know and like. Keep in mind that the topics you choose will be there for you forever, so do not let yourself be too scared to use topics that you like. By researching all of the microbiology essay topics that have been used before and asking your professors what they think, you should be well on your way to getting the best grades possible.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How Apple will not survive after the death of Steve Jobs Research Paper

How Apple won't get by after the passing of Steve Jobs - Research Paper Example His arrival didn't just revive the organization yet additionally upset seven ventures: individualized computing, vivified motion pictures, music, telephones, tablet registering, retail locations, and computerized distributing (Isaacson, 2012). Under Jobs administration, Apple turned into a creative organization that presented items in the market that rendered other item out of date and changed the business itself. Today, Apple is the world’s driving brand because of the advancement and initiative that Steve Jobs presented in Apple without which, Apple would be not even close to its status as the world’s driving brand today. This achievement is credited to Steve Jobs the executives style of organized administration and authoritative conduct that has been both condemned and praised by its faultfinders however by the by made Apple of what it is today. There are numerous written works that depicted Steve Job’s the executives style. Nearly everyone is consistent in th eir appraisal about Steve Job’s energy for item greatness that drove Apple towards advancement. Steve Jobs is very immersed towards the subtleties of Apple’s items as well as on how it is promoted. He is known to push individuals to achieve objectives and goals more than they suspected they could accomplish. He likewise extended the potential outcomes of equipment and programming structure that yielded progressive results of which we appreciate today that frequently drove his kin nuts(time). He was known to get impolite, [slave driver at times], outlandish, whimsical, pompous and even assumed praise for other’s thoughts (time). Be that as it may, notwithstanding these appearing shortcomings, Job’s administration have irrefutably drove the organization from close to chapter 11 to get one of the most begrudged organizations on the planet. This sort of initiative was apropos embodied and explained by Geil Browning as organized in the article entitled â€Å" Why Steve Jobs' Exactitude Mattered as Much as His Vision† at it dismembered why Steve Jobs was viable as pioneer with his administration style. Organized administration implied having a guide on the best way to complete things, for example, â€Å"definition of targets, create procedure and guides, pinpoint jobs and obligations, create courses of events and timetables, set up achievements and checkpoints, decide achievement measurements, and distinguish control mechanisms† (2013).â To be explicit, this sort of the executives style keeps on learning by doing which is the reason Apple was constantly ahead on the expectation to absorb information of cell phones and contraptions. This is bolstered by reasonableness and straightforwardness which pundits have marked Steve Jobs as discourteous for his directness in conveying. Organized administration is additionally successive, for example, Jobs which drove his subordinates’ nuts since he doesn't appear to get placate d with dubious thoughts. In aggregate Steve Job’s organized authority bubbles to â€Å"communicating a particular, wanted result, giving the instruments to finish the task, and articulating how to do it. At that point simply disregard your representatives. The work will complete - on schedule, on financial plan, and with precision† (Browning, 2013) especially the accuracy part of which Job was known in light of the fact that he was exact to the minutest subtleties. This administration style of Steve Jobs anyway is not, at this point underlined in the current authority of Apple. Being such, Apple will undoubtedly come up short without Steve Jobs in light of the fact that the initiative and hierarchical conduct that was ingrained by Steve Jobs that drove the organization to greatness and produce radical advancement is as of now gone. Its new CEO Tim

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Write Good Reaction Essay Topics

How to Write Good Reaction Essay TopicsWriting a good reaction essay topic is something that requires the utmost attention and skill. With this article, you will learn some tips on writing good and effective reactions.One of the most important things to remember when it comes to writing reactions is to ensure that the topic in question is worthy of your attention. You can be as complex or as simple as you want but your purpose must be to convey information and impressions about your readers' thoughts and opinions. Therefore, if you are going to write a reaction essay topic, you must ensure that it is informative, well written and up to date.For a basic example, let us take an ordinary phone number. For example, let us say that I am a student in an American University and I want to contact someone in the United States. But, the student's phone number is not displayed on my university ID card. Hence, I have to use a different method in order to make my request clear.All you need to do is to search for the phone number through some reverse lookup directory online. If the information provided by the directory turns out to be true, then you will be able to communicate with the person who owns the phone number. But, if the reverse lookup does not turn out to be true, then you have to do what you have to do and think about the problem for the next time you have to use it.There are many more reactions that one can give online. It depends on the source and other factors as to how you will choose to write a reaction essay topic. Generally, reaction essay topics are written in short essays which are to be published online and posted on the Internet for the readers to view and read.It is obvious that there is always a lot of information available online. This gives an opportunity for one to find out about the person from the point of view of the reader. When you are writing a reaction essay topic, remember that you have to be objective and impartial in order to attain a ve ry good result.The main reason behind writing a good reaction essay topic is to get a response or comment from the person concerned. This is why you should make sure that the subject of the response essay topic is very important to you, that you have enough time to prepare for it and that you follow your own rules while writing.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Should Birthright Citizenship Be Abolished - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1590 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Citizenship Essay Did you like this example? The Fourteenth Amendment was passed post-civil war on July 28, 1868. It states, all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside (Fourteenth). When it says all this is not excluding any individual based on their skin color, religious beliefs or background. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Should Birthright Citizenship Be Abolished" essay for you Create order This does not apply to illegal immigrants therefore, it does not make sense that President Trump uses these false facts to rally up and gain support from White Supremacists. The amendment then states the following, no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Fourteenth). Then by simply acting against this amendment would be considered unconstitutional because it will be violating citizens rights. Not only that but the Fourteenth Amendment was passed there were many court cases that provided and reassure people of their civil rights. It cancels the Scott v. Sanford ruling in which the Supreme Court held that African Americans were not U.S. citizens, even if they were free (Fourteenth). There was another case in 1898 in which, the Su preme Court held that when a child is born in America to non-citizen Chinese parents, that child is a United States citizen (Fourteenth). Cases like the ones listed above can be used to provide evidence that there have been previous situations in which individuals have wanted to abolish birthright citizenship to those born in immigrants families. Birthright citizenship is, the practice of automatically granting citizenship to a child born in a particular country, regardless of the citizenship status of the parent or parents (Birthright, 2010). Meaning that no matter what the parents legal status these individuals is being automatically granted citizenship. And if we ponder on this sentence what makes us qualified to decide someones legal status based on rules created centuries ago by immigrants who migrated here for a better life. What is the difference between a second-generation Irish American and an illegal alien thats lived here for over 25 years from Colombia? I mean both the I rish and Colombian are here for a better life, one just got lucky enough that they were provided legal status and the other one was not. What exactly makes someone eligible for citizenship most illegal immigrants do not have a criminal record not everyone is a thief, criminal and rapists as our dear President states. If President Trumps wishes became a reality regarding the abolishment of individuals birthright citizenship. Without a doubt we are all aware who President Trump wants to eliminate from this country and the answer is immigrants specifically Hispanics. The following information was collected in Texas (2017) and it lists the numbers of births by race there were that year 127,533 White, 48,242 Black, 664 American Indian/Alaska Native, 20,385 Asian, and 180,216 Hispanic (Numbers of Birth, 2018). The targeted individuals will have to be the nonwhite ones. But how exactly will this whole shenanigan work? Will individuals be discriminated based on their skin tones? What about the individuals that were already born here and have been citizens all their life will their citizenship be taken away from them and if so, what citizenship will they own? Evidently, this will only impact immigrants and minorities in this country. We will be taking a step back in history and we will be faced with exper iences we have seen before. Not only that but this will lead to racial tension nationwide. With President Trump victory of office, we have seen an increase in racial discrimination towards minorities. Indeed, racial discrimination has been tracked since the beginning of this nations, yet since the election of President, Trump people have become to discriminate others openly once again. Heres the thing when someone of power expresses himself in a way to diminish a certain group this gives a racist a way to target and begin to openly suppress that group freely since someone of power is. And that is exactly what will happen if this law became a reality this will be a gateway for those who look differently be targeted by certain racial groups etc. Not only would this affect us a country, but we have seen a decrease economically. For example, just as President Trump took office, hows the slump translates to a cost of $4.6 billion in lost spending and 40,000 jobs, according to an analysis by the U.S. Travel Association (Popken, 2018). This just an example of how actions within the U.S affect not only its people but the economy. This executive order will bring destruction to this country. Who will be the beneficiaries of this executive order you may ask? Well, this will mostly benefit those who believe in white supremacy and all of Trump supporters that includes neo-Nazis and conservatives. These individuals believe that birthright citizenship has been the result of an accidental interpretation of the Constitution (Cevallos, 2018). The belief that this amendment has been misinterpreted for many years sounds absurd. And those who are making such accusations are those who will consider the beneficiaries in this situation since they will not be harmed by any means. Those who are losers would have to be the minorities and illegal immigrants who have no legal status here in the states. We must acknowledge that the Constitution has been amended to expand rights and increase protections. It is rarely amended to remove existing rights (Cevallos, 2018). The only known case in which an amendment was removed was, was the 18th Amendment, which imposed a federal criminal prohibiti on on alcohol (Ceballos, 2018). Removing this will not benefit anyone except those who are in full support of this executive law, however, they might not realize how much it would cause them personally. Americans would have to pay for this new bureaucracy, which would be tasked to decide the citizenship of some 4 million babies born in America each year (Stock, 2015). Not only that but because many Americans cannot afford legal help, therefore, Americans would have to pay a $600 tax on every baby born in the U.S. each year (Stock, 2015). Not only that it will also be such a hassle for the whole government first off since, America has no national birth registry, no squads of skilled government lawyers who can determine whether a persons parents hold a particular immigration status at the moment of a babys birth (Stock, 2015). This will mean that the government would have to establish this. Perhaps, it may seem like this will fix our broken immigration problem, yet it seems like this will cause more problems than it will resolve. Sadly, this is not a solution and this executive order is being used to mask the bigger issue which is that the immigration system is broken. And that is the issue here we have benefited from these minorities and illegal immigrants and while it is said that immigrants do not contribute to this country but if you inform yourself you know that is a lie. Immigrants do not come to this country to steal jobs they come here to make a living in a country that will give them this opportunity, and they do the heavy jobs that most people do not want to do. Trust me if half of these people were given the opportunity to become a citizen they would. And do not believe that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes because there are ways for people without a legal status to pay their taxes. By now you may know that I am against the abolishment of birthright citizenship. Why you may ask yourself? Well, lets just say I think that by depriving a baby citizenship based on their parents legal status is monstrous and outrageous. This has been the first time I have heard that, and I never thought that I would hear this from a great nation like ours. This frightens me because if a nation such as this one is starting to decline what assures me that the other nations will not start following our steps. It also saddens me that a nation that has been known as the land of opportunities is only wants to provide those opportunities to a certain individual and discriminating those who do not meet those standards. Who is the president to decide who gets citizenship and who does not? If you are born in the United States this county will be the country, you will proudly represent and identify with. However, if this executive order becomes a reality then this will create a sense of confusi on within these individuals because yes, they were born here yet, they did not meet the requirements for citizenship, therefore, they are not considered citizens. Just putting that into words makes it sound ridiculous and absurd it does not make sense to any individual and I do not know why people find this appealing. In conclusion, this executive order that President Trump wants to pass is a cry help if we allow something like this to occur there will be no way of stopping him. As stated in the Fourteenth Amendment, all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside (Fourteenth). And ALL persons mean every single individual born here in the states no matter what their parents legal status is period.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Lewis Carroll - 2377 Words

â€Å"Jabberwocky† Lewis Carroll Jabberwocky: Sense or Nonsense Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. quot;Beware the Jabberwock, my son The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!quot; He took his vorpal sword in hand; Long time the manxome foe he sought-- So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood awhile in thought. And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbied as it came! One, two! One, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head†¦show more content†¦One, two! And through and through The mighty blade was used in battle! He left it dead, and with its head He went triumphantly galloping back quot;And have you killed the Jabberwock? Come to my arms, my radiating son! O fabulous and joyous day! Beautiful! Good! Fair! He chuckled and snorted in his joy. It was evening, and the smooth active badgers Were scratching and boring holes in the hill-side; All unhappy were the parrots; And the grave turtles squeaked out Blake DuPont Ms. Benner World Lit. 2 November 2001 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Everyone as a child listened to their parents read them fairy tells and tall tales. Whether or not the child understood the story he knew he enjoyed it. Alice in Wonderland is one of the most famous children’s stories. Even though half of the writing did not make sense the reader would still be interested and entertained. To fully understand the writings of Lewis Carroll, a person must look at his past, get opinions from other authors and come to a conclusion on their own whether Carroll was a nonsense writer or gifted children’s writer.Show MoreRelated Lewis Carroll Essay1459 Words   |  6 Pages Lewis Carroll is one of the most well known Nonsense Writers. Though using nonsense in poetry has been dismissed as simply quot;for entertainment purposesquot;, most nonsensical poetry acts as an allegory, has deep symbolism and leaves the door wide open for varying interpretations. Lewis Carroll has utilized this sense with nonsense through his poems and prose found in his novels Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass . Through Carrolls interactions with his close friends and familyRead MoreEssay on Lewis Carroll1776 Words   |  8 PagesLewis Carroll Lewis Carroll is a well known and talked about author, whose writings have stirred up much controversy. His work has inspired ballot, puppet shows, and even music videos. (Vink). Lewis Carroll is an outstanding English writer because of his background, his position in English literature, and his many works, such as his novel, â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.† â€Å"‘Lewis Carroll,’ as he was to become known, was born on January 27, 1832 (Leach 1). He was raisedRead MoreLewis Carroll: A Brief Biography785 Words   |  3 PagesLewis Carroll Lewis Carroll was born on January 27, 1832 in Daresbury, England. His real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, but is known by his pseudonym Lewis Carroll. His mother was Frances Jane Lutwidge and Father was Charles Dodgson and he had a grandfather named Charles Dodgson who was an Army Captain. Lewis Carroll’s father was the Bishop of Elphin. He was the eldest son and third child in a family of seven girls and four boys. In 1846 his education began at a rugby school in Warwickshire,Read MoreTaking a Look at Lewis Carroll1960 Words   |  8 PagesLewis Carroll was born on January 27, 1832, as Charles Lutwidge Dodgson to a family of workers in the army and Church (and a whole family full of Charles’). His great-grandfather, also Charles Dodgson, had been a bishop. His grandfather, another Charles Dodgson, had been an army captain and ended up being killed in battle, leaving two children behind. The elder son, Charles, went to Westminster and then Oxford. This Charles marr ied his cousin in 1827 and became a country parson. Out of this marriageRead MoreCreator Of A Wonderland, By Lewis Carroll1857 Words   |  8 PagesA Wonderland: Lewis Carroll Through worlds of madness, Charles Dodgeson, working under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, represented his beliefs imprinted upon him from childhood and adulthood into his writings reflecting his views. Carroll used his views concerning English society in the 19th century to influence his writings such as his poems and Alice in Wonderland by reflecting his worldview into the lives of his characters. Through his Christian upbringing and beliefs, Lewis Carroll developed unconventionalRead MoreGoing Further Into Wonderland By Lewis Carroll1081 Words   |  5 Pagesis something many people struggle with. Imagine you are a young girl, soon tumbling down a hole to a whole new world. Lewis Carroll shares the story of a girl named Alice. The book is a fun and creative story, but shares the struggles of a young girl finding her identity. The style of Lewis Carroll is often described as symbolic. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is written using many symbols. The symbols show children’s identity changes while entering adulthood. The symbols of theRead MoreAlice s Wonderland, By Lewis Carroll1659 Words   |  7 Pagesthe world am I? Ah, THAT S the great puzzle! † (Carroll) This quote is from the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll. He was man that had a passion for many different professions and hobbies. Carroll did not let one profession define him. Every day he decided who he wanted to be and how he was going to express himself. Most people in the nineteenth century were not lucky enough to get to do what they loved every day, like Carroll was able to do. He discovered not only what heRead MoreA Very Intelligent Man By Lewis Carroll1258 Words   |  6 PagesPeople often perceive the truth in numerous ways. Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice s Adventures in Wonderland, illustrates this as one of the many themes in the novel. Carroll a very intelligent man, often known by his real name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. At the age of twelve, he attended Richmond Grammar School a well known public school. Most of his publications included math books. Dodgson came from a family with eight younger siblings, which enabled him to deve lop the knack of amusing youngRead MoreHuman And Animals By Lewis Carroll 1865960 Words   |  4 Pages Have you ever tried to know how people or even the animals thinking. Both, human and animals can be very talents have a different way of thinking.† Alice in Wonderland† the novel was written by Lewis Carroll 1865 presented to his readers set of themes. In his fancy novel. His desire is to help the children to know how they are doing in their community and how to keep a relationship .He presented the exciting moment of Alice adventures that includes meeting with intelligent animals who canRead MoreLewis Carroll s On The Restriction Of Expression1007 Words   |  5 PagesLewis Carroll’s Commentary on the Restriction of Expression Lewis Carroll is the pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, who prefered to keep his identity secret. Dodgson was born on the 27th of January, 1832 to Charles Dodgson and Frances Jane Lutwidge in the small village of Daresbury, located in England (Smith, Karen). Carroll authored tales of fiction geared towards children and works of nonfiction focused on the specifics and complications of mathematics. Carroll began writing at a young age;

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cowley, Geoffrey. Sleeping With The Enemy. Newsweek. December 9, 1992. Essay Example For Students

Cowley, Geoffrey. Sleeping With The Enemy. Newsweek. December 9, 1992. Essay Pg. 58-59. Major points: 1. Syphilis is still rare compared with other sexually transmitted diseases. 2. Gonorrhea is not as popular as it used to be, but chlamydia on the other hand is the most common sexually transmitted disease. 3. Genital herpes and genital warts have no cure. 4. Sex is the leading mode of transmission of the hepatitis B virus. 5. Aids is incurable, and unlike the others, it always kills. Syphilis is still rare compared with other sexually transmitted diseases. The bacterium that causes syphilis is treponema palidum. This causes genital lesions called chancres. These normally go away on their own but if not treated the disease advances. A person who has syphilis suffers from fevers, aches, rashes, hair loss and mouth sores. At later stages of the disease it affects the heart, eyes, brain and other organs. Its always good to get tested for this disease. Gonorrhea is not as popular as it used to be, but chlamydia on the other hand is the most common sexually transmitted disease. Gonorrhea victims have gone down since the 1980s. The article says its because people have gotten the message about safe sex. The bacteria thrive in moist, warm cavities like the mouth, throat, urinary tract etc. Some of the symptoms are burning, itching, or unusual discharge. If the symptoms go untreated it can spread to the fallopian tubes and cause difficulties in pregnancy. Chlamydia on the other hand is most common. The most common symptom is inflammation of the urethra, which causes painful urination. This disease can be cured, If not treated it can cause sterility in women. Genital herpes and genital warts have no cure. Scientists do not know what bacterium causes genital warts. There is a way to stop them from being contagious but there is no cure. Genital herpes can be cured with antibiotics but when infected with the herpes simplex virus you are infected for life. This virus causes small lesions around the genital area. Anyone with active lesions can spread it to their partner(s). Sex is the leading mode of transmission of the hepatitis B virus. A lot of people say that its not an STD. The virus attacks the liver, which causes flu like symptoms. There is no cure. Most people recover and develop immunity to further infection. Some however stays in the body and be contagious. There is a vaccine for the HBV. Aids is incurable, and unlike the others, it always kills. In the beginning of the virus you get flu like symptoms. This disease can lay silent and then all of a sudden hit you with fevers, diarrhea, weight loss and others. These might be the onset to full blown aids. It is always good to get tested for aids. Especially if you have multiple partners. Impact statement:This is a very sensitive subject. It is scary. Especially in the times we live in. People do not care who and what they sleep with. I had an uncle die of aids from a blood transfusion. Its not fun and I wouldnt wish it on anyone.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

My Favorite Hobby Is Writing free essay sample

My love of writing began in elementary school. English classes were great, but creative writing assignments made them better! I was more content with creative writing, rather than learning basic grammar rules. As I grew older, I didnt write much. It seems like I lost interest temporarily. All of that changed when I lost my grandfather in seventh grade, only to have my friend move after eighth. It was then I began writing again. Poetry was my friend. I wrote poems to help cope with emotional overload.I would like to write short stories. I have been unsuccessful at my attempts. This will not stop my efforts to do so. Ill just have to keep on trying. Im still writing creatively thirteen years later (in 2004). Although I havent many writings, I hope to have a professional writing career in the future. You never know, I might become famous one day. We will write a custom essay sample on My Favorite Hobby Is Writing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Im working at it! I cant imagine my life without writing. When I write, I lose myself. The world could knock on my door, and I would be deaf to the thunderous banging’s.In a world where its not hard to get hurt, writing is a comforting arm across my shoulder. I never knew Id come to love writing as much as I do. Writing is like a best friend. Friends that will never turn his/her back on me in troublesome times. My writing comforts me when Im upset, ; excites me when I think about certain people whom I cherish. When I get bad reviews or ratings? Its easy to sit cry. I may be disappointed, but not beaten. It just makes me want to write more. I know Im not the most perfect writer, and no one ever is. It takes time, but its worth the trials triumphs. I can write just as good as the next. Writing is my gift. The gift I received from the Divine Mother Father. I almost lost it, but they encouraged me to keep going. Once again, my passion for writing has overwhelmed my life. I do not regret it either. Im thankful that my Lord and Lady gave me another chance at writing. My gift is one I can honestly say Im proud of.

Friday, March 13, 2020

The Wind essays

The Wind essays Wind can tell us many things about weather conditions. A person knowledgeable about local weather can take the temperature and dew point, wind data and altimeter setting and make a pretty good estimate of what the present weather is. He can throw away all but the wind and still give you an approximate weather outlook. There is a simple key to understanding wind: Variations in pressure from place to place create wind, because air tends to flow from high pressure to low, as water flows from high ground to low. This phenomenon has led to the creation of a model to explain worldwide air circulation. Because cooler air is denser than warmer air, its pressure is higher. As air at the equator warms and rises, the pressure in the area lowers. Heavier, cooler air tends to flow toward the low, and as it does, it causes the warmer air to flow upward and poleward, where it cools and develops higher pressure. This air, in turn, will then tend to flow back toward the equator. The same principle of circulationfrom areas of high pressure to areas of lowalso governs the circulation around the high- and low-pressure areas that move across our country. Isobars are lines drawn on a map to link points of equal atmospheric pressure. The textbook rule says that wind flows parallel to the isobars, but this appears to conflict with the basic principle of flow. If air flows from high pressure to low, shouldn't its movement be perpendicular to the isobars? The answer is that the rotation of the earth deflects the wind flow about 90 degrees, causing the air to circulate around the pressure systems instead of directly from one system to another. In the Northern Hemisphere, the flow is clockwise around high-pressure areas and counterclockwise around lows. This fact gives us a start on wind-based weather information. If you stand with your back to the wind, low pressure will be to your left. If there's a strong crosswind component aloft, worse weather...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Impact of Sentencing Guidelines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Impact of Sentencing Guidelines - Essay Example Since the year 1966 when such guidelines began to be established, different forms of sentencing guidelines have come up, owing to their formulation and implementation. The last couple of years have had a significant increase in the formulation, implementation and use of these sentencing guidelines. Presumptive and voluntary sentencing guidelines have been used since the time sentencing guidelines began operation (Lubitz, 2001). This paper intensively assesses the impacts of the sentencing guidelines to the justice system and to the society at large. This is in the view point that laws are set up to regulate and control the behavior of the society prior to the rights and freedoms of individuals. In the light of sentencing guidelines, this paper will also consider the goals of sentencing, the different types of sentences, constitutional rights in the context of sentencing and the overall impact of these sentencing guidelines. Goals of Sentencing A sentence refers to a formal and legal judgment pronouncing a specific punishment imposition following a crime conviction (Barlow, 2000). Different sentences are meant to achieve different results. In this regard, the goals of sentencing may vary from time to time. However, there are basic goals that sentencing is purposed to achieve. Deterrence is one of the goals of sentencing. In this case, people are afraid to commit crime in order to avoid punishments that have been experienced by those who have committed crime. They therefore refrain from crime (Siegel, 2005). Deterrence can be both general and specific. The aforementioned is a general case. A specific case involves an act of not committing crime as a result of a punishment previously suffered. Sentencing is also tailored towards rehabilitating offenders. The basic underlying principle is to reform the convict. In rehabilitation, a crime has already been committed and a sentence passed. The aim of the sentence is to promote a conscience, and this goal has led to an intensive sentencing guidelines structuring (Siegel, 2005). Rehabilitation strives to change the behavior of offenders. In this regard, as much as it regarded a punishment, the sentencing guidelines aims at promoting uniform sentencing for similar incidents of injustice against an individual, community or the society at large. Retribution is another goal of sentencing. In this case, punishment is imposed on offenders given the crime that each offender commits. The offender is linked to the crime committed, making it legal for an offender to deserve the punishment imposed prior to the crime committed. Offenders convicted of the same crime are treated equally (Barlow, 2000). Sentencing also seeks to achieve incapacitation. Incapacitation is defined as the punishment that reduces the chances of having a crime committed (Siegel, 2005). This goal is based on the idea that offenders convicted of various crimes are locked up in prisons. These prisoners are not bound to commit any crime in the outside society since their movement and actions are restricted, monitored and controlled. Types of Sentences Different types of sentences are imposed to offenders depending on the magnitude of the crime committed, rights and freedoms violated and the effect of such crimes to the society, economy and the state at large. These sentences vary and a number of them include: Life

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Narrative - Essay Example In June 13, 1775, Leaders of the Colonial forces had collected intelligence that the British troops were planning to march Boston and occupy the surrounding hills. Consequently, 1,200 colonial troops under the control of William Prescott engaged Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill and they formed fortifications for a sudden and unexpected attack. From the beginning, American troops had marked remarkable victory against British Army and the British troops lost â€Å"over a third of the attacking forces, with a high number of commissioned officers, which was shocking news† (Maps of After the initial crisis, British Army powerfully returned to the battlefield and they captured the Hill and its surroundings completely. Absence of modern weapons and organized war strategies paved the way for unexpected turn in the battle. Death of Major John Pitcairn had pressed the revolutionary forces to withdraw from battlefield. In addition, Colonists failed to overcome the presence of ammu nition. Accompanied with modern weapons bayonet-equipped instruments British Army detained the upper hand. More than 115 American revolutionists were killed, 305 wounded and 30 captured. In case of Britain, 226 were killed and more than 800 wounded in the battle. Historians have identified number of reasons behind the battle related with politics, administration, problem of representation and taxation. The Stamp Act of 1765 imposed unnecessary taxes among the colonists and they were forced to pay taxes for necessary things. Mary Englar observes that ‘Many Colonists claimed Great Britain didn’t have the right to tax them’ (Englar 8). Similarly, Colonists had faced severe identity crisis and they did not get representation in administration. Another important reason is that Britain established some provoking military reforms in Boston and its surrounding areas and these military

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Importance of Time in Chinese Culture Essay Example for Free

Importance of Time in Chinese Culture Essay The importance of time is always dependent on the different perspectives of people’s origin, particularly culture. â€Å"Time is one of the most important bases by which culture rests and all other activities revolve† (Riggs et al 31). Different cultures handle time differently. In the past, time was measured in daylight, darkness, or in seasons; however, nowadays, time has become more important and more complicated. Yet, no matter how complicated it has become, it always boils down to the influence of culture, just like China, one of the countries with a very rich culture. The impact of modernization in China on the changes of Chinese’ behavior is significant. However, these changes in their behavior have had a more significant impact on their values. Indeed, Chinese seem to have never given up one of their most important cultural characteristics, Guanxi, which up until now, remains as an important Chinese business element. In the advent of globalization, Chinese has kept and reinforced this unique characteristic even in the most important socio-cultural changes. Yes, China has indeed undergone substantial cultural changes; nonetheless, with regards to the thinking and dealing process, modern China remains rooted to its traditional Yin Yang approach, and this is reflected on their shrewd use of time to keep their relationship intact. Because Chinese people value relationship more than anything else, as they believe that this could lead them to success, it is logical to expect that the Chinese society concentrates on fluid/multi-focus time value. Chinese people are both famous and infamous in different negotiations for their wise use of time as their bargaining tool. Chinese are known to have adept ability to run down the clock because they prioritize their relationships with their associates or business partners first. This way, they know that the value of relationship or guanxi continues. Moreover, Chinese can afford or stand to play the waiting game, provided that there is always someone left to invest and spend for them. Cultures around the world have developed their own way of responding to time. The dimension for time orientation is based on two aspects; the relative significance the culture gives to its past, present, and future, and its way of approaching the time. China has indeed embraced globalization since the last three decades. Despite this, its stronghold to its culture is still very evident. This is because China is considered as a past-oriented culture country. Countries that fall under this category have a culture that is largely leaned towards the past; they see their future as a repetition of their past experiences. Moreover, they have high respect and regard for their collective historical experiences and their ancestors. As per David Thomas’ description of the country, China embraces its tradition and culture of ancestor worship and has strong pride of its customary and cultural persistence for over thousands of years (73). The Chinese society holds the perspective that their past is their guide on how to live their lives in the present. According to an old Chinese proverb, â€Å"Consider the past and you will know the present† (Quotations). Work Cited Riggs, James, et al. Industrial Organization and Management. Manila, Philippines: McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1980. Lo, Vincent. Chinese Business Culture: Guanxi, An Important Chinese Business Element. 17 March 2005. 01 May 2009 http://chinese-school. netfirms. com/guanxi. html Thomas, David. Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts Second Ed. California: Sage Publications. 2008. Quotations. 14 February 2008. 01 May 2009. http://www1. bbiq. jp/quotations/past. htm

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

JFK and the Warren Commission :: American America History

JFK and the Warren Commission Why did the Warren Commission decide that John F Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald, acting on his own? On 22 November 1963, President John F Kennedy was shot dead as he took part in a motorcade through the streets of Dallas, Texas. Soon afterwards a man named Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and accused of having shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas school Depository building . Even though Oswald refused to co-operate and denied all knowledge of the assassination, he was formerly charged the next day, on the 23 November. However, he never stood trial as just two days later Oswald himself was shot dead by Jack Ruby, a Dallas night club owner, as he was being taken from police headquarters to court. As Jack Ruby went to prison and the police had no longer a suspect to question, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, set up a committee led by chief justice Earl Warren, to conduct an official investigation into Kennedy's murder. They were under immense pressure by the public to come up with a conclusion. On 24 September 1964, the Warren Commission finally issued a report of their findin gs. They concluded that President Kennedy was murdered by a single gunmen, Lee Harvey Oswald. There were numerous reasons why the Warren Commission came to this conclusion, varying from Oswalds background and most predominantly the hard evidence there was against him. In fact, there was a substantial amount of evidence that linked Oswald to the murder weapon and the crime scene which, undoubtedly helped a great deal in his conviction. The main evidence against Oswald was a unique Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, which was recovered on the sixth floor of the school depository building and had allegedly been used for the shooting. Witnesses claimed that three shots had been fired. Three spent cartridges were found alongside the rifle. Ballistics proved that the fragments from two bullets that were recovered from the Presidents limousine and from the wounds of Kennedy and Governor Connally, came from the same unusual type of rifle, made in Italy during the Second World War. Forsenic evidence also linked Oswald to the weapon. Fibres found on the rifles stock matched those on a shirt Oswald was wearing when he was arrested. Oswalds palm prints were also found on the underside of the gun barrel. His prints were found on a part of the rifle that was exposed only when it was taken to pieces.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Angels with Dirty Faces Film Review

Madden 1 Sarah Madden 18 November 2012 Film Review: Angels with Dirty Faces, USA 1938 The film I have chosen to review and analyse under the theoretical frame Genre is Angels with Dirty Faces, a gangster film directed by Michael Curtiz starring James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart. In Andrew Tudor’s book â€Å"Theories of Film†, he argued that genre is â€Å"what we collectively believe it to be†. I believe that when Tudor says â€Å"we† he means the audience. Audiences have an expectation of what they assume a film to be like and this is down to genre.According to Jill Nelmes, â€Å"Genre is a fundamental means by which we communicate†. Characters, setting and events are made predictable to assist the audience in fulfilling their expectations. The study of Iconography also has a lot to do regarding genre and how such things like props, costumes and settings can tell the audience what genre a film is supposed to be in. When films are placed in certain g enres, recurring events and characters are expected.The likes of Al Capone and James Cagney were recurring actors on contract used for the gangster genre in the Hollywood Studio System around the 1930s and this entertained the audiences as they knew what to expect from their idealised actors from the roles they played. Angels with Dirty Faces epitomises the gangster genre during the 1930s. Made in 1938, the Michael Curtiz film followed rules and conventions that were expected of the genre around that time. The gangster film emerged from the Great Depression and the First World War, as gangsters of America, and more precisely New York began to â€Å"run† urban cities.In â€Å"A World History of Film†, Robert Sklar wrote: â€Å"These [Gangster] films responded to the changes in urban crime as a result of the post-World War 1 amendment to the United States Constitution prohibiting the manufacture, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages. Prohibition fostered powerfu l criminal organizations that supplied illegal liquor, their highly publicized exploits found their way into films in the later 1920s. † Madden 2 There is an obvious question regarding gangster films about whether they suppress criminality or encourage it.In Angels with Dirty Faces, we see how the gangster lifestyle is having a bad effect on the youths, but how the main gangster, Rocky Sullivan, is punished in the end for his rebellion against the law. In his review of the film, Jeremiah Kipp wrote: â€Å"It begs the question of how much the gangster movie star persona affects our youth. † The film fits the genre it is categorised in as it follows the conventions of other gangster films. It is set in the slums of New York City where the Dead End Kids grow up and where Rocky Sullivan and Jerry Connolly grew up.There is a loyalty present between Sullivan and Connolly that goes back to when they were delinquent children, although Connolly betters his life by joining the pr iesthood, whereas Sullivan spends his childhood in the society for juvenile delinquents and much of his life in prison. Connolly is coined as the hero in this story and he follows the characteristics of the hero in Schatz’ â€Å"Genres of Order†, whereby Schatz lists the general characteristics related to the heroic figure in the gangster and also western genres.The hero, Schatz describes, is male dominant, located in a contested space usually unstable, surrounded by externalised conflict expressed through violence and takes it upon himself to resolve the problems and eliminate the villain, usually leading to the death of the villain. Connolly possesses all of these traits as he is indeed male, the location is in the slums of the city, he is surrounded by figures like Sullivan who use violence as a solution and he, being old friends with Sullivan, tries to stop him on his own, without police assistance, as we see in the final scenes of the film.This shows how character s in a certain type of film genre can help define that genre as they follow similar characteristics. Another aspect common within the gangster genre and present within Angels with Dirty Faces, is the rise and fall of the gangster, which we see from when Sullivan is released from prison at the start to when he is executed at the end. The message in almost all of the gangster films is that crime doesn’t pay, which is shown by the demise of the gangster at the end. Films within the gangster genre also follow certain themes such as Betrayal, Self-destruction and Loyalty.We can see these themes emerging in Curtiz’ film as Connolly betrays Sullivan, for the benefit of the Dead End Kids, by giving information to the newspapers and police and going public in a bid to stop the crime in the city, starting with Sullivan. The theme of Self-destruction is also evident as Sullivan does no favours for himself by rebelling against the law and by shooting at the police. Madden 3 Sulliv an continually makes bad choices which end up in his own self-destruction as he is eventually caught and punished for his actions.The theme of Loyalty is also introduced in gangster films, usually with the gangster mobs being loyal to one another, but in Angels with Dirty Faces, we see Sullivan’s loyalty to Connolly. Sullivan respects Connolly and shows this at the end of the film when Connolly asks Sullivan to be a coward at the time of his death, so as not to be a hero to the Dead End Kids, which Sullivan reluctantly does. The study of Iconography ties in with the defining of genre as an audience can tell the type of genre a film is within the opening sequence, looking at clothing, props, music and settings.The visual signifiers of a gangster film include weapons such as guns; the setting being usually in a big city, smart clothing on the successful, superior gangsters and shabby clothing on the younger figures living in a gangster lifestyle. The visual signifiers of Angels with Dirty Faces which helped determine it was a gangster film was the enclosed urban city setting, the troublesome youths stealing from a cargo train and the fast and anticipating music when they are running from the police, followed by the downbeat, ominous tone of music when one of the youths are caught.The verbal signifiers also helps one determine the genre of a film, as the dialogue and language used can indicate the film. The way the two young boys speak, along with how they are dressed, shows their upbringing in an unprivileged, urban lifestyle. The first shot shows a newspaper headline, which reads â€Å"Harding nominated for President† reveals to the audience that the film was set in 1921. The film shows many front page newspaper close-ups throughout, which helps the audience follow what is going on without having to show a clip-by-clip action.Angels with Dirty Faces follows the pattern of other gangster genre films by the execution of Sullivan at the end, showing the rise and fall of the gangster. This portrays a message to the audience that the gangster never wins. For morality purposes, the gangster cannot be seen as glorified and must always be seen to be defeated or killed in order to protect society. In his article, â€Å"Teaching through Genre†, Tom Ryall says that â€Å"Genres may be defined as patterns/forms/styles/structures which transcend individual films, and which supervise both their construction by the film maker, and their reading by an audience.Madden 4 Ryall is saying that although films are made individually, they follow some patterns or structures which categorises them into certain types of genre. The gangster film follows certain aspects regarding iconography, setting, events etc. which make it fall into the gangster genre. Angels with Dirty Faces follows some of the forms and structures of other gangster films such as the use of weapons, the violence, the slick clothing of the higher gangsters and the death of the gangster at the end which all show why it locates itself in the Gangster genre.Iconography is also used when defining genre as it helps an audience fulfil their expectations. Madden 5 Works Cited Angels with Dirty Faces. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Perf. James Cagney, Pat O’Brien, Humphrey Bogart. Warner Bros, 1938. DVD. Sklar, Robert. A World History of Film. Ed. Katherine Rangoon Doyle. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. , 2002. Print. Hollows, Joanne, and Mark Jancovich, eds. Approaches to Popular Film. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995. Print.Nelmes, Jill, ed. An Introduction to Film Studies. 2nd Ed. New York: Routledge, 1999. Print. Kipp, Jeremiah. â€Å"Angels with Dirty Faces†. Rev. of Angels with Dirty Faces, dir. Michael Curtiz. Slant Magazine Online: 2 Feb. 2005. Web. 17 Nov. 2012. Tudor, Andrew. Theories of Film. New York: Viking Adult, 1974. Print. Schatz, Thomas. Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking, and the Studio System. New York, N. Y. : McGraw- Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 1981. Print.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Ielts Speaking Mat Clark - 3214 Words

IELTS SPEAKING PART 1: General first topics are in two paths: * Where you live ( your city, area where you live, street, house) * Your studies, work, job There are 2-5 topics are asked, and about 6-15 questions, in 4- 5 minutes Longer responses, fewer questions Longer answers are preferable than short answers 1. Possible topics Where you live | Collecting things | Cooking | Your studies | Dancing | Weddings | Your job | Learning language | Public transport | Hobbies | Rain | Traveling | Sports | Hotels | Names | Television | Relaxation | Restaurants | Music | Outdoor activities | Food | Reading | Memories | Birthdays | Email | Childhood | Seasons | Learning English | Weather | Flowers | Writing | Happiness | Birds |†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I like† or â€Å"I don’t like† do not display any ability to skillfully or flexibly express these functions. For these questions, the first step is to find some alternative language for â€Å"liking†. The following are some expressions can be used: I’m fairly/pretty keen on†¦. I’m really into†¦. I’m quite a big fan of †¦ I simply adore†¦ I’m quite enthusiastic about †¦ I generally prefer †¦ (use only when comparing) Most of the adverbs are interchangeable in this list. Look at the following answer for the previous question: Do you like animals? â€Å"Well to be quite honest, in general I would say that I’m actually quite keen on animals, but in particular I would probably have to say that I’m really into domestic pets like dogs. I guess the reason why I’m a fan of dogs is because I adore their loyalty and companionship. In addition to dogs I suppose I’m also pretty passionate about endangered species, especially dolphins and things like that and this is due to the fact that I feel some degree of responsibility towards wildlife protection.† Possible starting phrase for â€Å" liking† questions: Well in general I would say that†¦ Actually, I suppose that for the most part I’d probably say that †¦ Well, to be honest I should really say that†¦ Of course I think